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Kingsway Primary School Governing Body

All Governors have equal status, however they are appointed. Governors work together as a governing body not as individuals. We discuss issues and often vote on a course of action or recommendation.

As a governing body we have many roles within the school but the main ones include:

  • To provide strategic direction for The School.
  • To act as a `critical friend' to the School, its staff & the Head Teacher.
  • To challenge & ensure accountability in terms of the standards achieved & the quality of the education provided for the children.

As a 'critical friend' we try to ask useful questions in order to gain a greater understanding of the school and to create an environment in which continuous improvements can be made.

The Governing Body:

  • Is involved in staff appointments
  • Agrees the annual school budget
  • Monitors and reviews aims, objectives, policies, targets and priorities.

A vital part of the Governing body's role is to support, challenge and monitor how effective the school is. We evaluate this based on documentation and reports received at regular meetings, in addition to gaining information from our own visits to the school.


Governor Committees

The Full Governing Body meets once a term and the work is managed by different committees, which also meet once a term.

Based on their particular skills, knowledge and abilities, every Governor has been given certain responsibilities and have a role on the committees listed below.

Strategic Development

Dealing mainly with pupil progress, attainment and curriculum matters. This committee is chaired by Mr D. Wilkinson.

Finance & General Purpose & Personnel Committee

Overseeing financial and staff matters. This committee is chaired by Mr G. Bradbury.

Discipline and Monitoring 

This group focuses on specific pupil matters. This group is chaired by Mr I. Lowery.

Individual governors also have responsibility to monitor safeguarding, special educational needs and health & safety amongst others. All governors have links to specific year groups. 

As a governing body we welcome any ideas and suggestions you may have, to help us to communicate more effectively.

Good communication and information is vital to the on-going development and improvement of the school. If you have something you wish to bring to the Governors' attention, there are several ways you can get in touch:

  • In person. Please feel free to speak with one of our governors in the playground.
  • By email to the chair of governors    
  • In writing addressing your envelope to the chair of governors c/o Kingsway Primary School

Correspondence is shared with the appropriate committee.

Please see below for a list of members on the school Governing Body.