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Thank you in advance for your co-operation in contacting school via telephone, email or letter if your child is not going to be in school for any reason. Although wherever possible we ask that dental and medical appointments be made out of school hours. We appreciate that this can not always be the case, therefore could you please make school aware of any appointments via the school office in advance if possible.

To report illness absences please let us know as soon as possible if your child will not be in school either by phoning on 01623 408259 or email us at

If a child does not arrive at school and we have not been informed of the reason we will contact parents / carers to find out why the child is absent. This is to ensure your child’s safety.

Good attendance is crucial to your child’s progress, both academically and socially. There are just 190 days in an academic year and with the pace of learning now required of children since the introduction of the new curriculum, each day is crucial. With this in mind school will not be able to authorise any absences for the purpose of a family holiday and a fine is likely.

Attendance Management Procedures

Attendance is tracked regularly and where there is cause for concern, due to significant

absence or a pattern identified, school; will follow the attendance management procedures outlined below;

Stage 1

You will be sent a letter to alert you to the attendance issue and the impact on your child’s learning and progress if your child’s attendance is at 94% or below. We will track attendance half termly to identify if there has been any improvement.

Stage 2

If your child’s attendance has not shown improvement you will be invited to a meeting in order to discuss the absences, any relating issues and to put in place any support required.

Stage 3

If your child’s attendance has still not improved significantly you will be invited to a further meeting during which involvement of other agencies may be required. 

*Attendance will continue to be monitored to ensure any improvements are sustained.


Celebrating Good Attendance

We celebrate good attendance with:

¨ Certificates for individual pupils achieving 100%

¨ Letters to parents/carers celebrating their child’s 100% attendance.

¨ Attendance Champions Trophy for weekly class attendance winner

¨ Rockets attendance display in the hall showing weekly attendance for each class.

¨ Celebrate 100% attendance weekly with a certificate, a special event for the class i.e. in discussion with the Class Teacher the children choose three special treats and this is finalised by the Headteacher e.g. sports or craft afternoon etc

¨ End of year individual rewards for 96% and above attendance.


Please see the link below for more information from Nottinghamshire County Council: