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Year 6 - Eagles


Year 6


Welcome to Eagles class! Our teacher is Mrs Blockley, but you will find Mrs Green here on Thursday and Friday afternoons. She will also be teaching on Friday morning whilst Mrs Blockley is on management time. 

  • Our P.E. days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Please remember to have your kit in school.
  • Please make sure any school uniform is labelled clearly.
  • Children should also bring a labelled water bottle every day.

Homework Expectations

  • Spelling homework is set every week. Our spelling tests are every Friday.
  • We will also send homework on Fridays. We would like this to be in for the following Wednesday.
  • Times tables should also be completed on 'Times Tables Rock Stars' (TTRS). Little and often is the best approach to take, so 5-10 minutes every day is ideal.   
  • We expect children to be reading at home at least 3 times a week and signed by a parent/carer in your child's reading record book.